CONSCIOUSNESS AND WISDOM Generally, the word conscious is used to describe a state of awareness which is distinct from being either asleep or comatose, a state in which the sensory and cognitive apparatus, receptors and transmitters, are functioning correctly in terms of our ability to respond to worldly stimuli. There are other areas in which this word conscious is relevant as well, conscious effort meaning, metaphorically, a deliberate or concerted effort. We sometimes say we are conscious of having made a mistake, conscious of a fault, and this use implies input from something besides the provisions of sensory data, it implies conscience, an etymologically identical word although it implies a source quite different from the outer senses. Conscience comes from the sense of right and wrong. An inner adjunct, this often inconvenient knowledge of good and evil comes from a place untouched by the outer phenomena which nevertheless, play a significant role in forming it. Human consciousness moves from the easily identifiable outer levels to the inner, the esoteric levels attainable only, with God’s grace, through sustained and controlling practices. There is another use of the word conscious which became popular during the experimental days in the middle and later 31 |